My Story...

Perhaps much like you, my desire to have a healthier lifestyle happened as a result of personal crisis.

When I suffered a significant bereavement in my early 30s, the one thing that helped me cope was finding a local pilates class and committing to going every single week. There was something about going to that studio, feeling safe, completely focused on the rhythm of the practice, the breath, on what my body was doing…it all just helped me feel a bit more human again. Perhaps you know what I mean? It got me thinking…if this can happen to me, maybe I could help other women feel better in their bodies and minds through movement.

So within a year I’d packed in my 9 to 5 job and retrained as a Personal Trainer and Pilates teacher. I started working in gyms all around South and Central London, teaching classes and 1:1 clients. I was finally beginning to feel like myself again. And although these spaces were definitely steering me in the right direction, it was all beginning to feel a bit too ‘off the peg’ – a bit one size fits all.

I noticed that some people were feeling intimidated, self conscious maybe? Not only was I sensing this, but I heard my female clients saying the same thing. I felt I wanted to provide a place where women felt seen, empowered and comfortable to get fitter without feeling judged or ‘less than’.

So when the opportunity presented itself to move to Hampshire, I grabbed it with both hands and launched my own Pilates & Dance Fitness classes and one to ones within our community setting. This brought like minded women together and provided a safe accepting space where we could celebrate our differences, feel seen, have fun and get fitter in the process. Perhaps that’s how you have ended up reading this, because you’re seeking a wellness practice designed specifically for you, not one which is a ‘one size fits all’ package? And with a tribe who ‘gets you’?

I’ve been guided by this wonderful community of women (and the hormonal changes I’ve also been experiencing) to train further in pelvic floor rehab, menopause fitness and hysterectomy recovery, areas I now specialise in.

I feel really privileged to be able to support women, just like you, through all their life stages, whether working together in our group classes, 1:1 or online.

go at your own pace

"Julia's classes enable you to go at your own pace, no pressure to get it all right - you have a permanent smile on your face throughout the class - a weekly must do for me now."


if you want to keep fit

"If you want to keep fit, make friends, and have a ball - then Julia's classes are for you."

absolutely love Julia’s classes

"I absolutely love Julia's classes! Her enthusiasm and obvious dance skills are inspirational and totally infectious. I always leave with a smile on my face knowing that I have done a real workout and burned hundreds of calories."


Find out how Julia can help you ...