
Hi I’m Julia

I’m a Menopause and Pelvic Floor Coach.

I help women, just like you,  to thrive through peri-menopause and beyond through fitness, nutrition and mindset. 

I also help women regain control of their core and pelvic floor, and recover from hysterectomy.

My articles on menopause, pelvic floor health and women’s wellness have been published in the national press. 

I also offer fitness classes and 1:1 coaching  via zoom and within my community here in Petersfield, UK.

I was honoured to be voted ‘Favourite Class’ by Netmums’ members.

I have been published in the national press on areas such as the menopause, pelvic floor health and women’s wellness in general. I was voted ‘Favourite Class’ by Netmums’ members.

You can view my qualifications here, and read testimonials from my clients.

Curious to find out more?

Click on the boxes below to see how I can help you live your true happiness potential!

Menofit™ with Jules

My online fitness membership club for Women aged 35 and over (Zoom)

Pilates for Perimenopause (& Beyond!)

Release those mid-life aches, regain core control and gain mastery over menopausal symptoms 

6 week online Pilates program

(Pre-recorded with my online support)

In Person Group Fitness

In Person in Petersfield 

Pilates Classes
Funk it with Jules®

How Stillness Can Boost Your Physical and Mental Health

Finally summer is here in the UK…

When it’s warm and light, we seem to notice our surroundings more don’t you think?

5 Ways To Squeeze More Steps Into Your Day

The longer days, warmer temperatures, and the trees and flowers bursting with colour, don’t you find you get more energy at this time of year?

What Okinawan Women Can Teach Us About Ageing Well

I recently stumbled upon a Netflix show ‘Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zones’, have you seen it? In it author Dan Buettner takes us on a journey around the world to five unique communities where people live extraordinarily long and vibrant lives.

Get in touch today so that you can reach Your full Happiness Potential!

Sarah Sheldrake (HCR)

The course was hugely informative and thorough.

Sarah Sheldrake
Holistic Core Restore (R)

Tracy Bilsland

I have attended Julia's Pilates lessons for 7 years as I am trying to manage a lymphatic condition in my leg. Julia has helped me so much - she is very thorough, sensitive and well informed about the wants & needs of all the class members.

Tracy Bilsland

Amanda Alexander (HCR)

My diastasis has reduced from 4 fingers to 1!

Amanda Alexander
Holistic Core Restore (R)
Ali Hill

Ali Hill

If spinal flexibility and core strength equate to continued youth (and I think they do), Julia's classes will give you a new lease of life. For me she has been, and continues to be, a really inspirational teacher and if you're thinking about trying Pilates, I would recommend her wholeheartedly.

Ali Hill

Jo Liddle (HCR)

Having been a midwife for 14 years it would have been so beneficial to have had this knowledge to better educate our post-natal mums.

Jo Liddle
Holistic Core Restore (R)

Hilary Wilderspin

I started Pilates to help with chronic lower back and shoulder pain and after working with Julia am delighted to have overcome both of these problems. I now visit the osteopath only rarely and am delighted with the results.

Hilary Wilderspin