Are you a woman over 35 ?

Wanting to work out but juggling too many plates?

Feeling tired but wired?

No energy and hormones haywire?

Feeling a stranger to your body?

Or maybe your fitness Mojo has just left the room...

Perhaps you’ve tried different classes, online programmes, the works, but you soon lose your motivation and give up?

Well I hear you.

When I hit my 40s, it was like someone flicked the dimmer switch on my energy levels.
My Va Va Voom just vamooshed. I lost my motivation, felt sluggish and and just not myself.

Sound familiar?

My usual running regime stopped working and I was getting more aches and pains. My Pilates still did it for me, but my cardio workouts just bothered my body more. As my hormones shifted, my weight was creeping up, which bugged me, as a family history of diabetes was starting to loom large.

That wasn’t the future I wanted for me or my family.

So I knew I had to try something different.

I had a go at some free online workouts but there was no personal connection, not even a health check, so I soon lost confidence in the programme…

…and gave up.

I thought I’d try something different, so I signed up with a well known fitness celebrity, but felt I couldn’t relate to her gruelling exercise regime – how did she do it all?

I was already feeling tired but wired, so without a showbiz chef or nanny around, there was no way I could keep up with those endless celebrity star jumps and burpees

And…you guessed it, I gave up.

So I joined a local Bootcamp, but it felt like I was punishing my body. The thrash metal and testosterone fuelled atmosphere left me fired up and sleepless; the tyre pushes and rope work were wrecking my joints.

So yup. I gave that up as well.

Maybe you’re starting to recognise a pattern that is familiar to you too?

I’d got to a stage in life where battling for ‘a ripped body’ was a real turn off.

I was tired of striving for perfection defined by marketing moguls and social stereotypes.

Frankly, I was sick of that s***.

Maybe you feel that way too?

You want to sweat, you want to be challenged and feel good right?

But you want to do it all in a way which makes your precious vessel of a body feel happy.

You want the ‘glow’ but not the ‘gruel’ right?

Well that’s how I felt too, and I knew a lot of my girlfriends and clients did as well.

I felt that we need MORE.

I felt that we (and you!) deserve MORE.

Especially when you start looking at the stats for women’s health after menopause.

Did you know that in the UK alone, 3.5 million women are living with a heart or circulatory disease, with 24,000 women dying from coronary heart disease each year in the UK.

That’s about 65 women a day. In the UK.

The hormonal changes which women experience in menopause don’t only affect heart health. 

In England and Wales, 1 in 3 women  will sustain one or more osteoporotic fractures in their lifetime. 

And the impact on women’s mortaility is real: for example, if a hip fracture is not addressed with surgery, the one year mortality rate is about 70%. 

It’s harsh to read I know, but how transformational could it be for women in their 40s (and earlier!) if they were given the knowledge and tools to reduce these risks and have better health outcomes in the future, as well as feeling better in the here and now?

This conviction put real fire in my belly:I had to learn more so I could help not only myself but all those amazing women like you out there, so we don’t just become another statistic. 

So, after searching for the best training in Peri-Menopause Coaching, I signed up for the phenemonal 3rd Age programme with female fitness guru Jenny Burrell and Women’s Health Physio extraordinaire Michelle Lyons. 

And their training went deep, really deep. 

It delved into the science and evidence behind which movement, nutritional  and mindset strategies got the best health and fitness outcomes for women  through peri-menopause and beyond. 

I then added even more training and qualified as a Menofit (TM) instructor  with Rachel Holmes, the well known fitness presenter.

Once I graduated, I collated all this knowledge, added my 18 years’ experience of training women in fitness, to create online and in person training programmes that really work for the mid life  woman.

Menofit (TM) with Jules is an online membership which gives you all the fitness, nutrition and mindset essentials you need, so you can feel

  • fitter;
  • more balanced and happy;
  • heart healthier;
  • good to your bones;
  • more comfortable in your clothes.

“Training with Jules has changed my life! Since I joined online in January, I have gained strength, body confidence and I am  much better prepared for my stage in life (Menopause!).

I have gained health tips, sleep tips and advice on nutrition that is tailored to my needs.

I feel much more comfortable in my own skin and able to make guilt free good life choices.
I have nothing but huge thanks for having the opportunity to train with such an inspirational coach as Julia. 

Join now – you won’t regret it!”

Jane Shannon, Devon


I absolutely love my online Pilates sessions via zoom or catchup.

To be perfectly honest, I didn’t think I’d like doing the sessions on zoom as BUT I absolutely love the flexibility.

Julia is  a kind,  enthusiastic coach who is committed to my health and fitness and helping me reach my goals.

She’s certainly helped me find my Mojo.

Jo Watts, Hampshire

Let me show you a little bit more about the membership...

Inside the membership there is so much on offer  to fully support your fitness as a whole.

Live Zoom Fitness

Flexible live HIIT/LIIT, Strength & Pilates classes with me.
You can do all of them, or pick and choose to suit your preference.
These will also be recorded for you to use if you can’t make the lives.


We have an online community where we can support each other and keep the fun of fitness alive.

On Demand Fitness

Waiting for you is also an on demand library of my workouts which you can do any time, including Pilates, Strength, HIIT/LIIT and Funk it dance fitness. As the live zooms will also be recorded you’ll never miss a class!

PT in your pocket

I’ll also be available to you when you need that extra motivation via our group or via email (during office hours).

Menofit™ With Jules is different to any fitness package you've tried before:

  motivating assortment box of workouts  so you don’t get bored and give up, including:

    • HIIT / LIIT targeted  interval training workouts combining sweaty cardio moves and strength exercises (with high or low impact optins);
    • Chill it  – a mix of toning Pilates and delicious Releases for achy muscles,
    • Strength training for muscle tone & bone health,
    • Plus my own special sprinkle of spice for you…revealed further down the page…

  choose what you like when you like: sweaty workouts, chilled releases, fun dance fitness, moves to match your mood!

  JOYful fitness – if it’s fun, you’ll want to come back for more – go YOU and those regular workouts!

  me to help motivate you and keep you going via our live zoom sessions, or conversations via our online group or email;

  modifications, warm ups and cool down releases to keep your joints happy and those niggles at bay;

  everything from  Express 10 minute workouts to longer workouts  – busy days will never hamper your fitness again;

  results based workouts which target your mid life wellness, boosting heart, bone, brain  and hormonal health;

  6 week programmes when you want to go for your fitness goals;

  workouts designed by me, your Peri-Menopause & Pelvic Floor Coach with 18 years’ experience helping 100s of women;

  an ever growing library of pre recorded workouts so you’ll never get bored;

  the reassurance of a full health screening before you join;

  support and motivation via our online group of like minded women.

  I see you: I only take a limited number of women on board so I can get to know you -you won’t get lost in the crowd.

Here's a sneaky peak of just some of what's on offer in the the Menofit (TM) with Jules membership (formerly The Mojo Movement with Jules)...

Jules’ online fitness membership is so much more than a health club membership – exercises, releases, recipes, advice….

 The live zoom classes enable me to commit to a programme. 

By doing them from home or wherever I am,  I feel the support of Julia and the group but don’t have to worry about how I look or if I am not feeling 100%.

And if life gets in the way, as it sometimes does, I can catch up later.

 I feel part of a community but with all the benefits of a personal trainer – and it works!

Georgina Randall, Hampshire

Jules’ online membership is fabulous! You can join live classes, but I often do the recordings as it gives me flexibility to fit them in whenever it suits me.

Michelle Robinson

Example of Zoom Fitness Session Timetable...

(Subject to change in school holidays)

And there’s another little secret ingredient for you (and this is the only membership of its kind which has this kind of offering):

  • my original Funk it on demand dance fitness sessions which bring you back to your dancehall days without the hangover! No complex choreo, just feel good funk.

Oh and as this is a truly holistic programme…

  • additional advice on how to reach your full happiness potential through creating new healthful habits, optimal sleep, hormone harmony, weight management, relaxation techniques and more;
  • your very own hormone happy recipe sheets to print off and use.

“I would quite often fit one of Jules’ sessions in when the rest of the family were getting up in the morning, this gave me a really positive and energetic start to the day.'”

It was great that Jules was available to help me work through some small modifications necessary to help me get the most out of my workout.

Book your place now!

Click the button below to join Menofitwith Juiles for just £29 per month.

NB: If you have pelvic floor or back issues, are pregnant or early post natal, these workouts aren’t suitable. 

However I can help you too with our Back to your Core® programmes – in person or online – contact me here to find out more.

Julia always keeps us motivated

"Julia always keeps us motivated and reminds us of when the classes are on through regular WhatsApp messages." - Jo Watts

Julia also invites inspirational wellness speakers

"Julia also invites inspirational wellness speakers to talk to us on our zoom Mojo Cafes."

Julia constantly checks in and motivates the group

"Julia constantly checks in and motivates the group, giving us useful tips and life hacks which I find extremely helpful. "

I love the combination of Hiit

"I love the combination of Hiit, dance and Pilates workouts (for all abilities) and the flexibility of doing them when it suits me in the comfort of my own home." - Jane Shannon

I’ve recently delved into the Mojo Cafes

"I've recently delved into the Mojo Cafes with their menopause tips and recipe ideas which I'll definitely be exploring more."

Jules is encouraging and enthusiastic

"Jules is encouraging and enthusiastic, she talks you through all of the different moves with very clear instructions and always provides alternatives when and if needed."

There’s an excellent range of workouts

"There's an excellent range of workouts in HIIT, Pilates and Funk It, with varying levels of impact and challenge." - Michelle Robinson

fun and challenging

"If you are looking for a fun and challenging workouts then Jules is the lady to gently guide you on the way to feeling great!"

muscle definition

"The muscle definition in my arms and legs has also been noticeable, my legs feel stronger and I can now run further for longer."

Having completed the HIIT six week

"Having completed the HIIT six week programme, I can proudly say that I have doubled the ammount of push-ups I can complete in a minute."