Pilates is for you if you would like to –

  • improve your posture and joint mobility;
  • get a stronger core;
  • tone your body;
  • increase your strength, flexibility and bone density;
  • reduce your stress, injury risk and back pain.

We have small classes to ensure you get the right kind of care and attention. If you want to go deeper with your practice, or have specific musculoskeletal conditions, then I also offer bespoke 1:1 sessions in the lovely upstairs studio at Sheet Village Hall.

Pilates Timetable

All Classes run as courses in 5/6 week blocks, in line with the school timetable.

Cost: Pilates classes are paid by monthly standing order and cost £11.50 per class with a 30 day cancellation policy. PIlates 1:1s cost £360 for a 6 week block. Sessions have a 24 hour cancellation policy. An initial one to one assessment session may be necessary prior to joining a class.

Click below to join my waiting list and be informed as soon as spaces become available on the next Pilates course.

Classes are held at:

Sheet Village Hall (SVH), Sheet, Petersfield, GU32 2AQ


Henry Warren Hall (HWH), Nyewood, Petersfield GU31 5HX

For details of level/type of class please get in touch.

Monday (HWH)

10am – 10.55am
Tuesday (SVH)9am – 9.55am
Wednesday (SVH)9am – 9.55am
Thursday (SVH)10.20am – 11.15am

Pilates Classes Terms & Conditions

  • Courses are generally in a 6 week block in line with school term times unless otherwise stated.
  • If Julia Willmott is unable to teach a class eg due to ill health she will let you know asap and provide you with a pre recorded workout to do at home.
  • Places cannot be guaranteed if payment is not received before the first day of term.
  • Places are allocated on a first come first served basis. Priority is given to current class members, but still need to be paid for in advance.
  • In exceptional circumstances, should you not be able to make your regular class time, it may be possible to request a place in another class of that same week, if there is one of a similar level available, by emailing Julia Willmott at [email protected] the night before the replacement class you want to join. This is only possible if there is space in the class.
  • Missed classes cannot be made up for in any other week other than the one in which the missed class falls.
  • It is not possible to part pay for a course, eg if you know you can only attend 2/6 classes, it is not possible to only pay for those two classes, as this would be taking a place which someone else could take for the whole course.
  • Unfortunately refunds cannot be given if you have attended the first day of the course but are unable to continue with the course for any reason.
  • It is not possible to allow a friend to use your place if/when you are absent.
  • There is no transferral of classes from term to term, course to course or person to person.

J Shore

My back feels so much better after Pilates sessions and remembering her posture advice is making a huge amount of difference. It's been two long years of back pain and finally I can see that light at the end of the tunnel!

J Shore

A Chapman

Wow Julia, I can’t tell you how much better my neck is after your Pilates class yesterday!

A Chapman

A Allardice

My back is much better thanks to Pilates with Julia. I'm back on my bike again and my nieces got me to have a go on a climbing wall!

A Allardice

Find out how Julia can help you ...