You are currently viewing I don’t need to think about menopause until my 50s right?

I don’t need to think about menopause until my 50s right?

Hmm, well….no…

Health shifts commonly associated with menopause can be felt in the years leading up to this transition – in ‘peri-menopause’.

What is peri-menopause?

Peri menopause describes the years leading up to menopause (which is defined as being 12 months after your final period). Peri-menopause on average lasts about 4 years, but can be anywhere between 10 and 15 years. It can affect women in their 40s or even earlier.

Women can start experiencing symptoms associated with menopause at this time, such as brain fog, insomnia, weight gain and feeling tired but wired. These may be caused by decreasing estrogen levels, and/or other factors. 

There are also these health issues to consider from our 30s onwards:

Heart attacks have risen in 35-54-year-old women;
Bone density declines from 35 onwards;

Brain health:

According to a brilliant post recently by Women’s Health Physio and educator Michelle Lyons, which inspired my post, ‘we reach peak brainpower at 35, and we can potentially hold on to that for up to 10 years…but women’s brains shrink more than men’s when exposed to cortisol, so stress management is key!!’

The great news is there is something we can do about it!

Our 30s /40s offer us the perfect opportunity to get laser-focused on movement, nutritional and stress management strategies so we can boost heart, bone, brain and hormonal health for now and the future. And as a Menopause Coach, I can help you with this.

If you’d like to know more about how I can support you through Menopause click on the ‘contact’ page.

Or you might be curious about my new online programme ‘Pilates for peri-menopause (& beyond)’ starting soon. Click here for more info.

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